Sunday, February 7, 2016

Spring Memories (Morgan)

I, a person incredibly susceptible to nostalgia, feel some sort of sensation with the transition of seasons, four times a year, every year. Summer is about wonder and adventure, Autumn is somber, Winter is rather bleak but has it's moments, and Spring possesses a distinct fresh feeling. Memories of mine include new beginnings and rudimentary childish joy. Today's scene included a half grass half snow landscape, a blue sky, and a temperature in the 40s. Thus, the feeling of spring began to manifest within me. I asked a couple of my friends what kind of spring memories they had themselves. First was Morgan.

"What were some lovely childhood memories that come to mind when you think of spring?"

"So I used to live in this small town when I was in first grade or second grade. It was at our house in Forest City."


"Never heard of it?"


"Great, so we had a cherry tree out in front of our yard, and every spring the cherry blossoms would come. And then when the cherries were finally there, we picked them, and then we would freeze them with sugar, and then make cherry pie. Those cherry blossoms were the best."

"That sounds so nice! We used to have a crab apple tree, but it died."

"Aw, well we moved. I miss that cherry tree. We also had honeysuckle growing on one side of the house, and lilac bushes in the back. Spring was the best. IT was beautiful, and smelled so good. That was one of my favorite things about that house. We played outside a lot, because my mom would throw us out of the house all the time. We were home schooled, so we did school in the morning, then she would throw us out in the afternoon. We'd play, my older sister and I. It was the best. That was the best house we lived in."

"Did you guys move a lot?"

"We did. We lived in South Dakota, I was born there. We moved like three times, but only twice when I was alive. Then we moved to Iowa. Six times total."

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