Sunday, November 15, 2015

Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Jacob

"What is your most anticipated future moment?"

"In the future I would like to move to someplace out of the country, like Korea or Japan, and become an English teacher. It's something that interests me and sounds like a lot of fun. I'm from Korea and I went to Japan this summer, so it just sounds like it would be a really really great experience."

"What did you like most when you were in Japan?"

"I really liked just how everything felt there, I guess. It was really different and I just felt like I enjoyed it better there than here. I think that if I lived there, I would feel a lot better. It just felt more like home."

"Why did you start studying Japanese?"

"I started studying Japanese because initially I wanted to learn Korean, but since they don't offer it here, I had to choose between Chinese and Japanese. In the end, I decided on Japanese."

"When you go to Japan, what kind of experiences do you want to have?"

"I really like being in crowds, like in the city, unlike here where it's kind of bland and not as busy. I like always being busy and being around people."

"What kinds of interactions did you have? Were they different than interactions with people here?"

"Compared to here, people just generally felt more friendly and respectful. People were still maybe not willing to just approach you out of nowhere and say hi, but if you asked for directions or just asked a question, they'd be willing to help you."

"What was your most rich visual memory from Japan?"

"The most beautiful thing I experienced or saw was probably going to the temples and being in an environment where people would come to worship gods. There were beautiful large and ornate structures. It was calming and it just felt peaceful." 

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