Sunday, March 27, 2016

On Originality

When I was a kid, I took every chance offered to prove how special i was. To live a meaningless life as a normal person has been my adolescent nightmare. At this point, I've kind of settled into the belief that almost all of originality has already been claimed. It's the curse of later times. There aren't too many artistic rules to break these days. Most ideas have lived in someone else's mind before your own. It's really a pity. Then there's also the fact that all trends start as someone being stylistically different. Before you know it, their style becomes common, appearing in magazines or showing up in in department stores.

Of course there's also the unbreakable fact that every life is unique. No one life could ever be replicated exactly as each person's life is a stack of events, thoughts, and history unparalleled. Even if you try to copy actions, you simply can't repeat moments. The downside of this is that the past is locked away. You can revisit old times in your heart, but you'll never breathe the same air.

It's a perplexing thing to think that much of human action, feeling, and thought is rarely novel, yet every person's timeline is inadvertently a new mélange of happenings. Perhaps the harder we try to be original, the less successful the product is. 

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