Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rudimentary Things

As the weather warms up, of course I, somewhat calling myself a photographer, feel a desire to go out in the tolerable weather and take photos. Similar to the reemergence of vegetation in the springtime, ideas have begun to sprout in my ind at a quicker pace. I've itched to do a multi-person portrait series for a long while and have brainstormed topic after topic. One that I believe I will follow through on is "Feel Good Photos" - photos capturing what makes someone feel content or happy. 

In the past few days, I asked my friends what their personal answers were. I got detailed answers like "hearing light rain falling onto the ground", "the feeling of climbing into a cool bed after showering, hugging a pillow, and going to sleep happy", "coming home from school and seeing my god waiting for me...she gets excited and licks me while her tail wags like crazy", and "when it rains and I'm in a safe dry place listening and observing". There were also short answers like flowers, pizza, thumbs, face, hair, calves, dew, clavicles, dancing (improv), hanging out with good friends,  and intelligence. 

What I noticed from all these answers was that they were all very basic things, or candid moments. Rather than exciting and expected things like winning a contest/competition, getting a good grade, etc., the things that people really cherish and hold on to are relatively regular and more relaxed times/things. 

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